25 Utility Code for your next JavaScript Project
covering type checking, numbers, strings, arrays and, random
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Let's Explore
- ➊ Check if input is of number type
- ➋ Check if input value contains a number
- ➌ Check if input value is null or, undefined
- ➍ Check if input value is falsy
- ➎ Check if input is an Array
- ➏ Check if input is an Empty Object
- ➐ Convert first character of each word to uppercase
- ➑ Convert the first character of each sentence to uppercase
- ➒ Reverse a String
- ➓ Convert a number from one base to another base
- ➊➊ Create and Initialise an array
- ➊➋ To empty an array
- ➊➌ Remove blanks (falsy values) from an array
- ➊➍ Remove duplicates from an array
- ➊➎ Casting an Array to Array of numbers
- ➊➏ Return array of digits for a non-negative integer
- ➊➐ Return a series of integers (starting from 0)
- ➊➑ Flatten an Array to any depth
- ➊➒ Remove holes from an Array
- 20. Merge any number of Arrays
- ➋➊ Shuffle an Array
- ➋➋ Generate Random Boolean Values
- ➋➌ Generate Random Numbers
- ➋➍ Generate Random ID
- ➋➎ Generate Random HEX Color Code
- Final Words
When we start a new JavaScript project, often we spend so much time in writing utility code. Few prefer to include libraries which does all these utility tasks.
Including a library is acceptable if we use most of its features. But for smaller things, we can always write our own utility code.
Let's Explore
Here I will present 25 such code which you are most probably going to use in your project. Let's explore them.
➊ Check if input is of number type
* Input Type : Any
* Output Type: Boolean
function isOfNumberType(input) {
return typeof input === 'number' ||
input instanceof Number;
➀ 10 ⇨ true
➁ Number(10) ⇨ true
➂ new Number(10) ⇨ true
➃ "10" ⇨ false
➋ Check if input value contains a number
* Input Type : Any
* Output Type: Boolean
function isNumber(input) {
return isOfNumberType(input) ||
➀ 10 ⇨ true
➁ Number(10) ⇨ true
➂ new Number(10) ⇨ true
➃ "10" ⇨ true
➄ "10ABC" ⇨ false
➅ "10.01" ⇨ true
➆ "10e+14" ⇨ true
➌ Check if input value is null or, undefined
* Input Type : Any
* Output Type: Boolean
function isNullish(input) {
return input == undefined;
➀ undefined ⇨ true
➁ null ⇨ true
➂ "" ⇨ false
➃ false ⇨ false
➍ Check if input value is falsy
* Input Type : Any
* Output Type: Boolean
function isFalsy(input) {
return !input;
➀ undefined ⇨ true
➁ null ⇨ true
➂ { } ⇨ false
➃ [ ] ⇨ false
➄ "" ⇨ true
➅ 0 ⇨ true
➆ false ⇨ true
➎ Check if input is an Array
* Input Type : Any
* Output Type: Boolean
function isArray(input) {
return Array.isArray(input);
➀ null ⇨ false
➁ [ ] ⇨ true
➂ [1, 2, 3] ⇨ true
➃ { } ⇨ false
➏ Check if input is an Empty Object
* Input Type : Object
* Output Type: Boolean
function isEmptyObject(input) {
for (const key in input) {
if (input.hasOwnProperty(key))
return false;
return true;
➀ null ⇨ true
➁ [ ] ⇨ true
➂ { } ⇨ true
➃ {x: 10} ⇨ false
➐ Convert first character of each word to uppercase
* Input Type : String
* Output Type: String
function properCase(input) {
return input?.toLowerCase().replace(/^\w|\s\w/g,
s => s.toUpperCase());
➀ "" ⇨ ""
➁ "michael" ⇨ "Michael"
➂ "michael jackson" ⇨ "Michael Jackson"
➑ Convert the first character of each sentence to uppercase
* Input Type : String
* Output Type: String
function sentenceCase(input) {
return input?.toLowerCase().replace(/(^\w)|\.\s+(\w)/gm,
s => s.toUpperCase());
➀ "" ⇨ ""
➁ "i am bored" ⇨ "I am bored"
➂ "i am bored. let's play." ⇨ "I am bored. Let's play."
➒ Reverse a String
* Input Type : String
* Output Type: String
function reverseString(input) {
return input?.split('').reverse().join('');
➀ "" ⇨ ""
➁ "Hello" ⇨ "olleH"
➂ "Hello, World!" ⇨ "!dlroW ,olleH"
➓ Convert a number from one base to another base
* Input Type(1): String
* Input Type(2): Number
* Input Type(3): Number
* Output Type : String
function convertBase(input, base1, base2) {
return parseInt(input, base1).toString(base2);
➀ "15" | 10 | 2 ⇨ "1111"
➁ "F076" | 16 | 8 ⇨ "170166"
➊➊ Create and Initialise an array
* Input Type : Number [Length of Array]
* Input Type : Any [ Default Value]
* Output Type: Array
function initialiseArray(length, value) {
return Array(length).fill(value);
➀ 5 | 0 ⇨ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
➁ 0 | 5 ⇨ [ ]
➊➋ To empty an array
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* ⚠️ It empties the original array
function emptyArray(input) {
input?.length = 0;
return input;
➀ [ ] ⇨ [ ]
➁ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ⇨ [ ]
➊➌ Remove blanks (falsy values) from an array
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* It doesn't modify the original array
function removeBlanks(input) {
return input?.filter(Boolean);
➀ [ ] ⇨ [ ]
➁ [1, 2, null, false, 3, undefined] ⇨ [1, 2, 3]
➊➍ Remove duplicates from an array
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* It doesn't modify the original array
function removeDuplicates(input) {
return [... new Set(input)];
➀ [ ] ⇨ [ ]
➁ [1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4] ⇨ [1, 2, 3, 4]
➊➎ Casting an Array to Array of numbers
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* It doesn't modify the original array
function castToNumbers(input) {
return input?.map(Number);
➀ [ ] ⇨ [ ]
➁ ["1", 2, false, "3a", undefined] ⇨ [1, 2, 0, NaN, NaN]
➊➏ Return array of digits for a non-negative integer
* Input Type : Non-Negative Integer
* Output Type: Array
function digits(input) {
return [... `${input}`].map(d => parseInt(d));
➀ 0 ⇨ [0]
➁ 123 ⇨ [1, 2, 3]
➂ 753289 ⇨ [7, 5, 3, 2, 8, 9]
➊➐ Return a series of integers (starting from 0)
* Input Type : Number
* Output Type: Array
* Input shouldn't be Negative, Infinity, -Infinity, NaN
function series(limit) {
return [... Array(limit).keys()];
➀ 0 ⇨ [ ]
➁ 1 ⇨ [0]
➂ 10 ⇨ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
➊➑ Flatten an Array to any depth
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* It doesn't modify the original array
function flatCompletely(input) {
return input?.flat(Infinity);
➀ [1] ⇨ [1]
➁ [[[1, 2]], 3] ⇨ [1, 2, 3]
➂ [[[1, 2], 3], [[4]], 5] ⇨ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
➊➒ Remove holes from an Array
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* It doesn't modify the original array
function removeHoles(input) {
return input?.flat(0);
➀ [1, 2, 3] ⇨ [1, 2, 3]
➁ [1, 2, false, 3] ⇨ [1, 2, false, 3]
➂ [1, 2, null, 3] ⇨ [1, 2, null, 3]
➃ [1, 2, undefined, 3] ⇨ [1, 2, undefined, 3]
➄ [1, 2, , 3] ⇨ [1, 2, 3]
20. Merge any number of Arrays
* Input Type(s): Array(s) [Zero to Many]
* Output Type : Array
* It doesn't modify the original arrays
function mergeArrays(...input) {
return input?.flat(1);
➀ [1, 2] ⇨ [1, 2]
➁ [1, 2] | [3] ⇨ [1, 2, 3]
➂ [1, 2] | [3] | [4, [5]] ⇨ [1, 2, 3, 4, [5]]
➋➊ Shuffle an Array
* Input Type : Array
* Output Type: Array
* ⚠️ It modifies the original array
function shuffle(input) {
return input.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);
➀ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ⇨ [4, 1, 3, 2, 5]
➁ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ⇨ [5, 2, 1, 4, 3]
➋➋ Generate Random Boolean Values
* Input Type : None
* Output Type: Boolean
function randomBoolean() {
return Math.random() >= 0.5;
➀ 1st Run ⇨ true
➁ 2nd Run ⇨ false
➂ 3rd Run ⇨ false
➃ 4th Run ⇨ true
➄ 5th Run ⇨ false
✩ The results may vary when you run yourself.
➋➌ Generate Random Numbers
* Input Type : None
* Output Type: Number
function randomInteger(min, max) {
return Math.floor((Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min);
For inputs 3 (as min) and 10 (as max),
➀ 1st Run ⇨ 5
➁ 2nd Run ⇨ 7
➂ 3rd Run ⇨ 4
➃ 4th Run ⇨ 3
➄ 5th Run ⇨ 9
✩ The results may vary when you run yourself.
➋➍ Generate Random ID
* Input Type : None
* Output Type: Random Characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z)
function randomID() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substring(2) || '0';
➀ 1st Run ⇨ "gpr0pu9hb38"
➁ 2nd Run ⇨ "dva09gsdp9e"
✩ The results may vary when you run yourself.
➋➎ Generate Random HEX Color Code
* Input Type : None
* Output Type: Random 6 Characters HEX Code
function randomHex() {
return `#${(0x1000000 + Math.random() * 0xffffff).
toString(16).slice(1, 7)}`;
➀ 1st Run ⇨ "#c67cbb"
➁ 2nd Run ⇨ "#4ffded"
✩ The results may vary when you run yourself.
Final Words
We spend a lot of time in searching for these solutions. I would advice to create your own utility project and, utilise it in multiple projects.
Do you find these solutions helpful? Please give your valuable feedbacks.